Modsauce Wiki
200px-Map markers example

Example of map markers created by the Drafting Compass on a map in a Map Frame.

The Drafting Compass is a tool added by BiblioCraft that allows you to place

200px-Drafting Compass marker interface

Drafting Compass interface

waypoint markers on maps in Map Frames. When you right click on the map it will bring up an interface that will allow you to name the marker, colour it one of 16 colours and cancel or accept.

To edit the marker shift right-click on the marker with the drafting compass and

Item Drafting Compass

it will bring up the interface again with the extra option of removing the marker as well. If you have trouble clicking the marker as it can be quite precise, point your cross-hairs at the base of the marker.

Right clicking on a marker will tell you in the chat window the world coordinates like this: Waypoint Name @ X = -100 Z = 100
